Today marks the first day of my return to day-to-day life blogging. Back when I was ill and immediately after my transplant, I spent about 2 years documenting almost every day of my life ((The archive for this blog, as you will see, has been migrated onto this one, so the entirety of my blogging life is collected in one place)) . Back then the intention was to give me something to focus on beyond the long wait for transplant, or for what would happen if I didn’t get one in time.

I’ve lapsed off the personal blogging over the last 12 months, but have decided to return to it as I’ve slowly felt myself losing that little bit of perspective that the blog gave me on my life and how things were going.

I also hope by writing a daily journal on my activities, it may spur me to be even more dedicated to getting work done and achieving my goals, rather than losing myself in Facebook and Twitter when I’m supposed to be being productive.

Here’s a new year, a new chapter and a hugely successful 2011.

PS – I don’t actually expect anyone to find this site either interesting or of use, but I felt I needed to write a little intro post on here to explain why this blog’s so dull. The real action is over at