Monday is a good day to start, right? Or the first of the month? Or perhaps a significant day — a birthday, an anniversary, the first of January.

The truth is, if you want to get something done, if you want to take that first step of many along your road to succeeding in whatever you’re trying to do, start today. Don’t wait.

Too many times we promise ourselves we’ll get started once the time is right, but the time will never be ‘right’. There will always be an excuse not to wake up earlier, not to eat healthier, not to go to the gym today (“But I will tomorrow, I promise!”), not to create something.

Start today and banish those excuses.

This is a start.

In the words of Seth Godin, “This might not work”, but I’m going to be trying to create something (most commonly a piece of writing here on Medium) every day, at least for the next month. I have history with this sort of thing and I’ve not been terribly successful at it, but if I fail, who cares? What if I succeed this time?

I defy you to read this post and not be inspired to want to create something everyday for an audience of you. The idea that I can do this for a year seems crazy at this point, but unless I start, unless I hit “Publish” on this post today, and another one tomorrow, and one the next day, I’ll never know what may come of it.

What are you going to start today?