Archives: Learning

Get off your @rse

I’ve been in a funk since the weekend.

Working too hard, not playing enough and feeling generally a little run down, I’ve been struggling to concentrate and get my head in order with no inspiration to get anything done.

Then, today, thanks to a friend on Twitter, I did the one simple thing that works every time. I got off my arse.

The simple act of standing from your sofa, your desk, your workbench and going and doing something can be all the inspiration you need to get back up and at ’em.

Next time you’re funking1, just choose something, get up and DO IT.

  1. new word! []

How Looking Back Prevents Moving Forward

Looking to the past prevents looking to the futureA natural part of life is looking back over the past and – occasionally – wishing you had a passport back to the “good old days”.

Yearning for the past, however, precludes us from looking to the future. Facing the in the wrong direction not only leads to heavy-hearted nostalgia1, but also stops us being open to new ideas and new opportunities.

Most frequently, we hark back to the days of “carefree joy” and “spontaneity” that marked our teenage years, but it’s vital never to forget that everything we’ve experienced – and especially all the good stuff – we were able to enjoy and consequently remember fondly because we were open to a wide range of possibilities and new adventures.

There’s nothing wrong with looking back; just make sure it’s a glance over your shoulder, not a 180˚ turn from your forward path.

  1. or worse, sentimentality []

PotW: Asymmetrical Mass Favours in Crowdfunding

Crowdfunders should be aware and cautious of Seth Godin’s concept of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Mass Favours

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Never a Wasted Moment

Anything that doesn’t go the way you intend may at first appear like an utter waste of your time, but it’s important to find the positives and ways to take advantage of a situation that may not be to our liking.

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Stirring Debate to Fuel Creativity

Create Debate to fuel your creativityStarting a debate is a great way to engage your creative muscles. Not only does it force you to examine your own perspectives, it also opens you up to taking on board new ideas.

Great debates create new angles to examine problems and new ways to solve them.

As a writer, stirring debate can also help you to write both sides of an argument. I frequently start writing scenes between two characters and realise that it’s totally one-sided because I agree strongly with one of the characters. By entering a debate with my friends and Twitter buddies, I can get different views and arguments that help me round out my characters in a much more successful way.

What debates have you used to aid your writing or creativity? How did you get them started – is the interactivity of Twitter the best way to go, or the public discussion of Facebook?

Striving for ‘Better’ not ‘Bigger’

quality over quantity; better not biggerThis weekend, I caught up on the BBC’s awesome BTS doc on COME FLY WITH ME, the new series from LITTLE BRITAIN creators Matt Lucas and David Walliams.

One thought from an interview with Matt Lucas really struck me. Inevitably, there was a question about how you follow up a series as successful as LB was1. Lucas commented, on topping LB:

Can we do something as big as that? No. Can we do something better than that? Certainly.

And there’s the rub: whatever we’re setting out to create, the aim should never be about creating something bigger, simply creating something better.

Striving for size and reach will bring pressures and compromises; striving for quality will not only better ensure excellence, but also come with its own–much wider–rewards and may end up being both bigger and better.

  1. and love it or hate it, you can’t deny its success []

Finding the Kernel of Positivity

Everyone has bad days. It’s a natural thing; life can’t always be sunshine and popping candy.  The trick is not to let bad days absorb you and pull you down into a spiral of bad mood, bad attitude and – as a result – more bad days.

One of the purposes of my original blog (archived here) was to constantly remind myself of the good things in life; the simple things that happen every day to make you smile.1

Getting through bad days is all about finding that kernel of goodness, that moment of levity, that scrap of positivity and grabbing hold of it with both hands. It’s not always going to make your bad day go swimmingly, but by looking for the good in every bad day, though, you’re opening yourself up to the positive experiences, rather than closing yourself off: that road leads to wallowing.

Don’t sweat the bad days, just try to find the good that you can carry forward into tomorrow so you don’t let the day that’s gone before rule the next day, or the next, or the next.

  1. hence the title: Smile Through It []

Pick of the Web: “Acknowledge People’s Unhappiness”

Psychology Today ran this article last week suggesting that acknowledging other people’s unhappiness is the key to making them feel happier. Sounds odd – backwards, even – since our usual response to someone telling us they’re unhappy or stressed is to be positive and encourage them.

When you think about it, though, how annoying is it when you’re feeling gloomy and someone tells you to “cheer up”? It certainly doesn’t cheer you up, does it?

I’ve found, too, that when other people deny or ignore my feelings, I tend to keep repeating myself (i.e., whining), because I think my feelings haven’t registered.

Have you found that acknowledging bad feelings allows them to dissipate better?

Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project Blog (Psychology Today)

The full post is a fascinating read. Check it out.

Thanks to LifeHacker for tipping me to the post with their original link here.

Staying Regular

Stay regular, define your scheduleThis week I discovered the many pros and the major curse of staying regular.

Since re-branding my blog1, I’ve been blogging to a steady schedule of Monday, Wednesday, Friday for new, authored content, with Pick of the Web linked-content on a Tuesday and Thursday.

Last week, I didn’t blog on Thursday and Friday as I was busy taking stock of things in my life. In those two days, my readership on the blog halved. Just three days when the blog was devoid of new content.

But worse than that, it’s stayed at a lower ebb and is only now (after 3 days back on the regular schedule) starting to pick back up towards its previous numbers.

Blogging regularly is great in terms of building an audience; if people know when you’re posting, they know when to come looking and they know what to expect from your blog. But beware of committing yourself to a schedule of posts you can’t sustain.

Much better to follow a simple, one-post-a-week formula (such as that employed brilliantly by Clive Davies-Frayne on Film Utopia), than it is to attempt daily posts that you can’t keep up, or to release new blog content in a scattershot manner whenever you feel like or are able to write it.

Work out what you can realistically achieve, define your schedule and stick to it. Staying regular is the key to creating value for the people who read your blog as religiously as you write it.

  1. and myself, to a certain extent []