It occurred to me watching a good friend on GM:TV this morning that by separating my personal and professional lives into two blogs is at best an unnecessary separation of my life and work and at worst a betrayal of where I’ve come from and how I got here.

I’ve therefore re-christened this blog – it’s still just me, but I’ve carried over the old SmileThroughIt name to remind myself and everyone who visits just how big a part of my life transplantation and organ donation is.

I originally started a separate blog so I could present a professional face to the world and keep my personal story out of the mix. But I’ve realised over the last couple of days and weeks that who I am and where I’ve come from are inextricably linked and should never be separated.

This, then, is the place for me that will offer not only my thoughts and offerings on the independent film world, writing and other arts-based things, but also my personal journey as I set out to achieve all the things I want to achieve in my life, my work and everything else.

Here’s to being yourself and shouting out loud.