One of the joys of finally being off IVs is not having the alarm blare at 8 o’clock every morning to get you up and out of bed to do your morning dose.  Annoyingly, my body seems to have seen fit to re-set it’s internal clock to keep raising me from my slumber sometime near or just after 8am anyway, as if I’ll miss out on something important if I don’t.  Regardless, it’s still nice not to be woken by an alarm, I suppose.

I had the BBC round today to do an interview for Look East, the local news bulletin for the Anglia region.  It was only a 2-man job, nothing big, with a reporter and a cameraman and took less than an hour from top to tail.

Interestingly, I didn’t feel even a touch of nerves today, which I normally get before any of the interviews I do, so I am forced to assume that my brain and nerve-ometer have come to the conclusion that once you’ve done live Radio 4, taped local news is nothing to be bothered about.

Not that I’m complaining at my head’s somewhat pompous stance – it makes interviews a whole lot easier and less tongue-twisty if you’re not feeling the nerves beforehand.  And in fact today I felt I gave on of the best interviews I’ve done – I covered all the bases clearly and succinctly and gave them lots of material to cut around, depending on what angle they wanted to take.

I was even pretty pleased with the final version which went out on in the 6.30pm programme tonight – it managed to put everything across well and didn’t rely too heavily on the kind of news-package cliche  coverage that usually gets shot for PWCF, although we did have to have the inevitable nebuliser shot.

The rest of the day has been spent trying to chill out and rest up in the hope of making it to Birmingham for the Live Life Then Give Life event in Victoria Square in the afternoon.  It’s frustrating not to know whether I’m going to be able to make it or not yet, but I can’t commit to anything when I have no idea how I’m going to feel from one morning to the next.

Most of the afternoon has been fine, although this evening my chest is feeling a bit tight and grumpy, so it’s anyone’s guess how I’ll be in the morning.  I’m hoping that it’s just a bit of tiredness creeping in and that once Neve takes over the leg-work of breathing for the night, I’ll be set for a trip out tomorrow.  We’ll have to wait and see.