Up at 5.45am as per usual again today – it’s been nice to have a little while off early mornings. Got K to the station then despite the early wake-up I was feeling energised and motivated enough to sit and plough through a wapping 26 pages of the new screenplay, bringing me within about 10 pages of hitting my self-imposed 1st April deadline.

I’m really quite pleased with it all, too. It needs going over and refining, but all first drafts do. The crucial part is that a) I’ve got it down on paper how I saw it in my head and b) I’m actually pretty happy with what I’ve written. Just have to see if I can finish it off now.

The rest of the day was spent catching up on the weekend’s emails and other correspondence. I’d managed to keep away from the computer the whole time which was actually really refreshing. Saturday we chilled at home all day – another total and rare blessing – and then spent the evening with Gramps at the ‘rents. Sunday we chilled in the morning before I headed to work, then got dinner and chats with Gramps again before they leave tomorrow, although it wasn’t a late one as we were obviously both up early-doors tomorrow.

After all my brother’s exploits in the Sun last week (see this article and it’s related links. He’s the dude in the goggles in the pic, plus featured in many of the videos), I got a call from him this morning to let us know he’s on his way home this week.

While that sounds like fab news – and for us, it is – it’s actually really gutting for him. It seems he’s torn the ligaments in his ankle playing some post-ops rugby in camp and now can’t stay out there for the week or so of wrap-up session they’ve got and then their wee company/commando jolly to Cyprus on the way home. Instead, he’s trying to resist letting them put a cast on it and eyeing a spot on the AeroMed home this Thursday. Like I say, fab news, but gutting for him.