Monthly Archives: October 2012

Nanowrimo (or Why Motivated Inspiration Is Never Bad)

NaNoWriMo 2008: Day 14

Tomorrow sees the start of National Novel Writing Month or Nanowrimo as it’s more widely known. The name is something of a misnomer as it’s actually a global event, but since Glonowrimo isn’t anywhere near as catchy or nice-sounding a name it seems like a sensible choice to stick with Nano.

A couple of years ago when the even came around I didn’t really understand it. After all, if people want to write a novel, why aren’t they just doing it? And, more to the point, how can anyone hope to write a readable novel in just one month?
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Do Less


Actors, writers and filmmakers have been saying for years that less is more. Sometimes it doesn’t make any sense – less cake is just less cake, if you ask me – but every now and again it strikes a chord.

How to we go about creating what we want in life when we’re constantly barraged by messages, projects, ideas and things that we really, really want to do/see and people we want to meet/read/talk to?

The trick isn’t in stretching your day to the sleepless limit of its 24 hours. It’s learning to do less to get more.
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Make Better Choices


Life is hard.

Every day is filled with choices: what to wear, what to do, what’s top of your To Do list, what’s top of your To Do list according to your boss? Should I boycott Starbucks, should I take a walk, should I eat this chocolate or this apple? Should I drive this way to work, or that way, should I start that new project, should I re-start that old project, what step can I take today towards the tomorrow I want?

We are all but plagued by them.

So how do we make the best choices?
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Why The Source Inspiration Doesn’t Matter

I came across this blog post from everyday bright over the weekend and, the more I thought about it, the more I started to disagree.

Its hypothesis is that the kind of inspirational video like the viral hit How Bad Do You Want It sends out the wrong messages and, far from inspiring, can actually hurt us.


Inspiration is a very personal thing; we are all driven and inspired by different things, different people and our different goals.

Inevitably, what that means is that there is no single source of motivation or inspiration for any of us. I know that I gather my inspiration from a vast number of different places, from family and friends to other people’s stories of success and even odd things like how-to YouTube videos.

What matters most is that whatever inspires us is unique to us. If you’re inspired by staring for hours at a spider’s web glistening with morning dew, that’s just as valid as another’s inspiration drawn from climbing a sheer rock face with no safety gear. Neither would inspire me, but I can see their value.


The article’s main thrust is that the video in question was made in order to get its protagonist a shot at the NFL after he missed his prime years to be “spotted” playing college football by getting arrested and imprisoned.

It goes on to suggest that because just 0.04% of college football players ever play at a pro level, the video sets up unrealistic expectations.

But I don’t think the video is trying to suggest to anyone that making a YouTube video is the way to get picked up by a professional football team; it’s merely trying to serve as an inspiration to anyone willing to put in the work to be the best they can be.


For me, the video represents inspiration in 3 forms:

  • a great story, told in a compelling way (both video & the audio on it)
  • the dedication shown by the athlete to train himself to the point of NFL-readiness
  • the attitude we can all take to achieving whatever we want to

If anyone watching that video thinks that all it takes to get a pro contract, or achieve any goal we may have set ourselves, is to make a viral YouTube video then firstly, they have no idea how hard it is to go viral amid all the noise and haste of today’s internet and, secondly, they’ll never achieve their goal anyway.

Rather than giving false hope to a generation of wannabe football stars, I think the video serves to inspire and motivate all who watch it by delivering the ultimate truism:

It’s not about how bad you want it, it’s about how hard you’re willing to work to make it happen.

Pretty inspiring for me, at least.